Ubuntu Xenial Installation Guide

This page details how to install nagrestonf on Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial).

Packages that nagrestconf depends on, such as Nagios and Apache, will be installed automatically.

Before installation

The instructions on this page are for installing nagrestconf and its requirements on a new server,

It is not recommended to follow these instructions on an existing server that is currently being used. It might break other applications on the server since packages might be upgraded.


Installation consists of the following steps:

  • Install using the Deb packages.
  • Configure the Operating System.
  • Test nagrestconf and nagios.
  • Create an initial configuration.

Install using the Deb packages.

Get the packages for Ubuntu Xenial from the download page then copy them to the server.

Instead of downloading manually it is possible to use wget from the server where nagrestconf is to be installed. Use the following wget commands:

wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/nagrestconf/files/Ubuntu/Xenial%2016.04/1.174.7/nagrestconf_1.174.7_all.deb/download -O nagrestconf_1.174.7_all.deb
wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/nagrestconf/files/Ubuntu/Xenial%2016.04/1.174.7/nagrestconf-hosts-bulktools-plugin_1.174.7_all.deb/download -O nagrestconf-hosts-bulktools-plugin_1.174.7_all.deb
wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/nagrestconf/files/Ubuntu/Xenial%2016.04/1.174.7/nagrestconf-services-plugin_1.174.7_all.deb/download -O nagrestconf-services-plugin_1.174.7_all.deb
wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/nagrestconf/files/Ubuntu/Xenial%2016.04/1.174.7/nagrestconf-backup-plugin_1.174.7_all.deb/download -O nagrestconf-backup-plugin_1.174.7_all.deb
wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/nagrestconf/files/Ubuntu/Xenial%2016.04/1.174.7/nagrestconf-services-bulktools-plugin_1.174.7_all.deb/download -O nagrestconf-services-bulktools-plugin_1.174.7_all.deb

Open a terminal window or ssh session then install nagrestconf and all plugins:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gdebi-core
sudo gdebi nagrestconf_1.174.7_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i nagrestconf-services-plugin_1.174.7_all.deb \
      nagrestconf-services-bulktools-plugin_1.174.7_all.deb \
      nagrestconf-hosts-bulktools-plugin_1.174.7_all.deb \

Configure the Operating System

Use the two helper scripts 'nagrestconf_install' and 'slc_configure'.

sudo nagrestconf_install -a
sudo slc_configure --folder=local

Change two variables in nagios.cfg

sudo sed -i 's/check_external_commands=0/check_external_commands=1/g' /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg
sudo sed -i 's/enable_embedded_perl=1/enable_embedded_perl=0/g' /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg

Relax permissions for the pipes

sudo chmod 770 /var/lib/nagios3/rw/

Create a password for nagrestconfadmin - for GUI access to nagrestconf.

sudo htpasswd -bc /etc/nagios3/nagrestconf.users nagrestconfadmin a_password

Note that, by default, the nagrestconf GUI can only be reached from the host it was installed on, localhost. To enable connecting to nagrestconf from other hosts edit the apache configuration.

For example,

Edit /etc/apache2/conf.d/nagrestconf.conf:

sudo cp /etc/apache2/conf-available/nagios3.conf /tmp
sudo sed -i 's#AuthUserFile .*#AuthUserFile /etc/nagios3/nagrestconf.users#i' \
sudo sed -i 's/allow from from all/i' \
sudo sed -i 's/#Require/Require/i'     /etc/apache2/conf-available/nagrestconf.conf
sudo sed -i 's/#Auth/Auth/i'     /etc/apache2/conf-available/nagrestconf.conf

Restart apache and nagios

sudo service apache2 restart
sudo service nagios3 restart

The nagios restart will show errors since the configuration is empty.

Test nagrestconf and nagios

The nagrestsconf and nagios web interfaces should be accessible now.

Log into nagrestconf with user 'nagrestconfadmin', and the password that was set above.

The nagrestconf interface, at 'http://server/nagrestconf', will look like the following screen shot.

Log into nagios with user 'nagiosadmin', and the password that was set above.

The nagios interface, at 'http://server/nagios3', will look like the following screen shot.

Create an initial configuration

To create a simple test configuration use a script that makes REST calls, or use the 'Backup/Restore' button in the nagrestconf GUI. The latter method will be used in this guide.

Create an initial configuration using 'Backup/Restore'

An example configuration can be downloaded from this link, then log into nagrestconf and use the 'Backup/Restore' button.

Click 'Close' in the 'Backup/Restore' dialog then refresh the page.

The new configuration will not appear in the Nagios Web interface until the 'Apply Changes' button is clicked, and then applied.

That's it!

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