The script auto_reschedule_nagios_check is used on slave servers in distributed environments. It catches occasional border cases where service checks fall out of the scheduling loop and reschedules the check using the nagios command pipe.
To configure this script ensure that the configuration file,
, has the COMMANDFILE and
STATUSFILE variables correctly set.
This script takes no options and is typically run by the CRON daemon every 10 minutes. A typical crontab entry is shown in the CRON section of the Administration page.
NAGRESTCONF_INSTALL(8) System Administration Utilities NAGRESTCONF_INSTALL(8) NAME nagrestconf_install - Initial operating system setup for nagrestconf. SYNOPSIS nagrestconf_install [-h] [-v] [-a] [-n] [-o] [-p] [-q] [-r] DESCRIPTION nagrestconf_install - Modify the environment so nagrestconf will work. -h : Display this help text. -v : Display the program version string. -a : Try to do everything required. -n : Modify nagios.cfg only. -o : Modify system users only. -p : Modify crontab only. -q : Modify sudoers only. -r : Restart services only. nagrestconf_install 0.10 January 2013 NAGRESTCONF_INSTALL(8)
RESTART_NAGIOS(8) System Administration Utilities RESTART_NAGIOS(8) NAME restart_nagios - Nagios restarter and subversion updater. SYNOPSIS restart_nagios DESCRIPTION Restarts the nagios daemon, checks in the changes to subversion and mirrors the subversion repo. This script will usually be run from cron, but it can be run directly. This program uses the configuration files nagctl.conf and restart_nagios.conf in /etc/nagrestconf/. restart_nagios 1.0 January 2013 RESTART_NAGIOS(8)
This tool is intended for system use and is not intended to be used directly.
NAGCTL(8) System Administration Utilities NAGCTL(8) NAME nagctl - Manipulate csv (.setup) files. SYNOPSIS nagctl [-h]DESCRIPTION -h : Display this help text. ACTION : One of four ACTIONS are understood: show - Query a csv FILE. add - Add a line to a csv FILE delete - Delete a csv entry from a FILE. modify - Modify an existing csv entry. check - check an ITEM. pipecmd - Send text to the Nagios cmd pipe. propagate - Propagate changes to master. restart - Restart an ITEM. SERVICE : The directory holding the configuration. ITEM : For things that are not add, delete, show or modify. FILE : The file to ACTION. E.g. hosts, services. CSV_LINE : A line of CSV in the same format as the target FILE. QUERY : A query to 'show'. nagctl 1.0 January 2013 NAGCTL(8)
This tool is only used when upgrading nagrestconf, but only when indicated to do so.
This tool shouldn't be used unless told to do so. It creates extra columns in the csv files when new REST functionality has been added.
This tool is run by cron on a collector node in distributed environments.
It updates environment folders in /etc/nagios/objects
that have
been copied over by slave nodes using svnsync.
A typical crontab entry is shown in the CRON section of the Administration page.
CSV2NAG(8) System Administration Utilities CSV2NAG(8) NAME csv2nag - Create nagios (.cfg) configuration files from csv (.setup) files. SYNOPSIS csv2nag [-yhs] TYPE DESCRIPTION -y : Answer 'yes' to any questions. -h : Display this help text. -s NAME : Use NAME for service-line name instead of using the parent directory as the service-line name. TYPE : One of six TYPES are understood: hosts - Create hosts files. One host file is created per host in the nagrestconf-1-nodes directory. The nagrestconf-1-hostgroups.cfg file is also cre‐ ated in the top level directory. services - Add services to hosts files in the nagrestconf-1-nodes directory. This script should previ‐ ously have been run with the 'hosts' TYPE. The nagrest‐ conf-1-servicegroups.cfg file will also be created. hosttemplates - Create a hosttemplates file. svctemplates - Create a servicetemplates file. contacts - Create a contacts file. commands - Create a commands file. timeperiods - Create a timeperiods file. servicedeps - Create a servicedeps file. hostdeps - Create a hostdeps file. serviceesc - Create a serviceesc file. hostesc - Create a hostesc file. serviceext - Create a serviceext file. hostext - Create a hostext file. all - Create all TYPEs in one go. csv2nag should be run from the directory containing the 'setup' direc‐ tory and the following files must exist: setup/<FOLDER_NAME>-hosts.setup setup/<FOLDER_NAME>-hostgroups.setup setup/<FOLDER_NAME>-hosttemplates.setup setup/<FOLDER_NAME>-services.setup setup/<FOLDER_NAME>-servicegroups.setup setup/<FOLDER_NAME>-servicetemplates.setup setup/<FOLDER_NAME>-contacts.setup setup/<FOLDER_NAME>-contact‐groups.setup setup/<FOLDER_NAME>-commands.setup EXAMPLES Create the entire config from scratch, wiping out the current one: csv2nag all csv2nag 1.0 January 2013 CSV2NAG(8)
SLC_CONFIGURE(8) System Administration Utilities SLC_CONFIGURE(8) NAME slc_configure - Initial setup of nagios object directories for use by nagrestconf programs. DESCRIPTION Configure a Data Centre Collector: slc_configure [-h] [--folder=] -h - this help text. --folder - the service line folder name to add. --dccip - IP address of the DCC. Any omitted options will be prompted for. slc_configure 1.0 January 2013 SLC_CONFIGURE(8)